Saturday, March 21, 2009

Friday Night in FUNTOWN!

Who knew that my life would come to getting maximum excitement from simple achievements on a Friday night. No, I didn't manage to suck down over 5 beer bongs within 10 minutes, I also didn't manage to squeeze into a size 8 leather mini nor did I get a call from the radio station to tell me that I had won a $10,000 shopping spree. No, it is apparent that I am a lot more easily pleased these days because on Friday, my maximum excitement came purely from my reupholstered and repainted chairs. See pics attached. I hope you too get maximum excitement also...

1 comment:

  1. Amazing!!! You have turned that space into a masterpiece that Belinda G would be proud of!

    And nice placement of photo!! Just so you know, I have had a pic of us framed in our lounge for a couple of months now. I know I didn't have any before but I rectified it!!! I don't think I have that photo of us at the Skiff, though and I would really like it. Can you pls send it to me?

